Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Click to Download the Registration-cum-Admission Form for the Session 2025-26


Please fill the form below with * Sign

Please provide your Name of Alumni.
Please provide your Gender.
Male Female
Please provide your Marital Status.
Please provide your Date of Birth.
Please provide your Year of Leaving School.
Please provide your Last attended class.
Please provide your Batch.
Please provide your Stream.
Please provide your qualification.
Please provide your Contact No.
Please provide your E-mail ID.
Please provide your Father’s Name.
Please provide your Contact No.
Please provide your Mother Name.
Please provide your Contact No.
Please provide your Present Occupation & Full Address of the Organization.
Please provide your Permanent Address.
Please provide your Participation in activities during your student life.
Please provide your Special Memory if any, related to school life.
Please provide your latest photograph.
Please provide the code as displayed on the image:
Thank your for Registration.
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